Host your child’s next birthday party at Woodcock Nature Center
where learning is natural!
A party at Woodcock Nature Center is like no other around!

Birthday Party Programs
Cost for all party programs is $300.
*For all programs, please advise your guests to dress appropriately for the outdoors and the weather day of. We will spend time outside regardless of season or weather (unless heavy rain/lightning/high-winds).

Animal Encounter and Treasure Hunt:
This party begins with an animal encounter meeting some of our resident animals (turtles, snakes, frogs, lizards). Children will then embark on a short hike looking for clues and natural objects that will lead to a treasure at the end! Host provides treasure. (Treasure examples: polished stones, temporary tattoos, candy, etc). The Treasure Hunt can incorporate the following themes:
General Nature Theme
Harry Potter
Star Wars

Animal Encounter and Fairy Houses/Gnome Homes:
Meet some of our resident live animals that are friends of fairies (turtles, snakes, frogs, lizards)! Afterwards we will venture into the woods to our Fairy Village to build houses for the fairies and woodland creatures. We will create this magical miniature world using twigs, rocks, acorns, pine cones, moss and flowers for fairies, hobbits, gnomes, mice, snails and more! Fairy houses will be left in the Village for our magical friends.

Animal Encounter and Water Exploration:
*Seasonal April-September*
After meeting some of our resident aquatic animals (turtles and frogs) living in the Nature Center, we will head out with nets, buckets, magnifiers, and ID sheets to explore the rich wildlife hiding in the water by our pond, waterfall, or wetland boardwalk. Each guest will have the chance to try and catch tadpoles, water bugs, and maybe a frog or newt!

Animal Encounter and Shelter Building:
Geared towards children turning 8 and up.
This party begins with an animal encounter meeting some of our resident animals (turtles, snakes, frogs, lizards). Children will then head into the woods to build their own shelters (debris huts and lean-to's) out of branches, sticks, and leaves.