Citizen Science
We invite you to participate in citizen science projects at Woodcock Nature Center and around our local environment. Here are a few different ways to contribute your discoveries to online citizen science projects:
Woodcock Nature Center is a participating chapter of FrogWatch USA, a large-scale citizen science program that provides individuals, groups and families with opportunities to learn about wetlands in their communities by reporting on the calls of local frogs and toads.
Learn more and view volunteer training sessions scheduled for 2024 by clicking here.

Woodcock Nature Center uses the iNaturalist App to learn about and document all the life that is on our trails, and you can help out! It’s easy and free to join and it helps us all learn about the biodiversity in our area.
Woodcock Nature Center has an umbrella project ongoing for our property. Your observations will be automatically added to our project as long as they are observed at Woodcock.
Visit our iNaturalist Project Woodcock Nature Center Wildlife here.

iNaturalist Training Webinar Recording Available
This virtual training was offered in partnership with Pace University, the Ridgefield Conservation Commission, and Woodcock Nature Center and focuses on how to use the iNaturalist app to identify local flora and fauna. Geared towards adults that are new to iNaturalist or need a refresher, this webinar recording shows viewers how to upload observations and join projects, along with troubleshooting tips and how to view the identifications generated by iNaturalist. Led by Mike Rubbo, Clinical Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Science at Pace University, and Sarah Breznen, Education Director at Woodcock Nature Center.
Download the free iNaturalist app for iPhone or Google Play
Email us with any questions.
eBird is another online data base through the Cornell Lab of Ornithology but specifically for bird watchers. If you love to go out and create bird lists then download this app and upload all the species you find here throughout the year. This data is used to study bird behavior and migration.
CT DEEP has a list of their own citizen science projects that people can participate in as well. This includes bird studies, bobcat sightings, turkey counts, and fisher cat sightings. Click here to learn how to participate and report a sighting of these animal species.
Please email with your questions