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Support Your Nature Center

Woodcock Nature Center does not receive any funds from local towns or the state of Connecticut and fundraises privately for every dollar necessary to sustain its programs and facilities ꟷ in fact, 50% of our revenues are from these donations along with special events income. We depend on the generosity of private foundations, corporations and individuals to remain a resource to our community.


Woodcock happily accepts gifts of stock, 401k or IRA distributions and corporate matching gifts. Please email us for details.

When you shop for the latest Woodcock gear you are supporting our outreach and community programs!

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Woodcock Nature Center's playscape is the only one of it's kind in Ridgefield and Wilton and is open to all from dawn to dusk free of charge. It allows children to enliven play and engage creatively with nature. Made of all natural materials we depend on community support to maintain the space.  

Sponsor a resident animal!

Our resident animals are crucial to our programs. Our animals visit with hundreds of students each year. When you sponsor an animal, you help us provide food, supplies and veterinary care. Makes a great gift too!

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Woodcock Nature Center

56 Deer Run Road, Wilton, CT 06897

p: (203) 762-7280

f: (203) 834-0062

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Creatively re-connecting the community with nature and to one another since 1972.

© Woodcock Nature Center 2024

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