FrogWatch USA
Woodcock Nature Center is now a participating chapter of FrogWatch USA, a large-scale citizen science program that provides individuals, groups and families with opportunities to learn about wetlands in their communities by reporting on the calls of local frogs and toads. Learn more and register for volunteer trainings below!
Frogs and toads are vitally important to our local environment - they play a major role in forest food webs and their populations can be used as indicators of overall ecosystem health. Unfortunately, many species are experiencing sharp population declines, both in the U.S. and around the world. If this concerns you, join our FrogWatch chapter as a volunteer!
Volunteers will be trained to identify frogs by their unique calls and will select a local wetland to visit and monitor periodically throughout spring and summer.
FrogWatch USA is a nationwide citizen science program with chapters all across the country that train volunteers to collect and contribute data that helps that scientists understand the scope, geographic scale and cause of these declines.
The FrogWatch USA program is made possible and managed by the Akron Zoo in Ohio.

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